Our communication and control experts are at the forefront of modern technology and are supplying advanced communications and control system. We assist our clients by the provision of expertise in all aspects of communications, control and instrumentation systems, safety and security systems covering mobile communications, wireless in the local loop, satellite communications, communications network design and evaluations.

Partial list of Communication & Control Projects:

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Project Name
Scope of Service
Telecom 3rd Mobile Concession
Multi-engineering services
MTN Consortium
Riyadh TV Upgrade (Digitization), KSA
Engineering design services for upgrade of TV system from analogue to digital system
Ministry of Culture & Information (MoCI)
Saudi Electricity Company - TETRA, KSA
We supported Saudi Electricity Company - East with their specification and procurement of a replacement PMR system based on the TETRA technology. As part of our work, computer modeling was used to identify suitable base station sites, based on the predicted coverage, frequency availability, traffic and inter-connecting backbone structures.
Saudi Electricity Company (Eastern)
Dhahran Academy Communications System, Saudi Arabia
Define user requirement, undertake design and produce technical specification for a campus-wide communications network comprising voice, video and data services.
Consulting & Design Engineering
Riyadh TV Implementation
Consultancy Services for Implementation and Monitoring Phase III, design review and recommendation for acceptance, the witnessing of key factory acceptance tests, installation and build monitoring, regular progress reporting, review commissioning procedures and monitoring of the commissioning and hand-over phases.
Ministry of Culture & Information (MoCI)
Our Projects Operations and Business Development Team will assess your requirements and will layout the best solutions.... read more

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