We have considerable experience and expertise in the detailed design and engineering of transmission and distribution projects both for rural and urban areas. Projects can range from a Greenfield rural electrification project to supplies for cities and townships. We also appraise existing but ageing distribution system and recommend replacement and reinforcement strategies.

Partial list of Transmission & Distribution Projects:

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Project Name
Scope of Service
Power Network Grid Code for the Gulf Region
To deliver a new code for the Transmission Grid linking the power networks in the six Gulf States. Technical Advisor by the GCC Interconnection Authority to Assist Norton Rose in their role of advisor to the GCCIA regarding interconnection agreements, transmission code and trading frameworks on buying and selling power through the Interconnection Grid.
Norton Rose / GCCIA

Makkah - Jeddah Transmission
Detailed Design and Specifications for Makkah-Jeddah 380KV double circuit transmission system components.
Saudi Electricity Company
Phase II - Implementation & Monitoring of Khorais Road 1200kW Transmitter Updrade
Design review and construction supervision of Khorais road 1200Kw transmitter Upgrade which includes design review, workshop inspections, construction supervision, commissioning & tests for transmittal electronic equipment as well as emergency power generation and power distribution with main incoming panel suppliers.
Ministry of Culture & Information (MoCI)
Gurayat Radio Station Phase 1, 33/13.8kV electrical substation KSA

Engineering consultancy services for preparing tender documents, tender evaluation and construction supervision services for interconnection of main power supply (HV) to operate the broadcasting plant at Gurayat
Ministry of Culture & Information (MoCI)

Construction of 33/5.5 kV electrical sub-station for Riyadh TV Complex Phase 1 & 2 KSA

Engineering consultancy service for preparing tender documents, tender evaluation and construction supervision services for 33/5.5  kV substation and feeders for Riyadh TV Complex
Ministry of Culture & Information (MoCI)

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